
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Breaking news today, Thailand has been hit by the worst monsoon in 50 years!  More than 2 million people have been affected in what is known as the worst monsoon season in Thailand.  Everyone has been evacuated from the vincinity, especially the people near rivers and dykes.  Now, there has been many natural disasters occuring this year, including Hurricane Irene, typhoons, earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, and dead fish appearing in all parts around the world.

This leads me to believe that something is definitely going on.  There has been many natural disasters before, but somehow, I feel this year is different.  First, the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan were enormous, with a 8.9 magnitude earthquake.  This disaster caused the shutdown of nuclear power plants, as well as some manufacturing factories as well.  It is pretty like for earthquakes to occur in Japan though, since it's located  near three tectonic plates. Secondly, Hurricane Irene devasted the East coast, causing the shutdown of the New York subway and many other areas.  There have been many reports on the appearance of dead fish as well.  At King Harbor in Redondo Beach, millions of dead fish, including anchovies, sardines and mackerel were floating lifeless.

Another phenomenon is the occurrence of birds falling out of the sky, although National Geographic has explained it already.  It says that the loud noises and human-built structures interfere with the birds ability to fly correctly.  The loud noises scare the birds and disorients them, while the human structures block their flight path, and creates a possible hazard for them.

The many events happening this year troubles me.  I don't believe in the "2012-end-of-the-world" thing, but I do believe in science, and so far, it's been saying that the world is starting to change dramatically.  For better, or for worse.

But mostly for the worst.

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