
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CE: There is no such thing as a good tax.

"California and other states could move ahead with making online retailers such as Amazon collect and remit sales taxes even if the companies don't have physical presences in those states, under a new bipartisan bill co-authored by a Bay Area House member."

 Okay...  Now the government is REALLY in for it.   Why change a system, if it works?  Seriously, the government has to stop effing around with the taxes and start doing something about the economic situation in the US of A.  There have been recent activities going on, including the Wall Street Protest, which are trying to get the government to straighten out their economy.  I don't blame them, when a service's quality degrades because of the government; they should be the only ones to be revolting against.  If we don't so something about it right now, pretty soon they'll be taxing the very air we're breathing in.  Amazon is a unique and great place for companies and customers.  They provide an easy, accessible website for people that just don't have the time or resources to go out and find them in stores.  Some of the items listed might not even be in the country that they live in.  Amazon isn't damaging the profits of companies; the government just wants a slice of the pie.

The government shouldn't be even able to tax Amazon, since their method of transaction isn't physical, but they're going to try anyways.  I imagine if they're going to pass the bill, there are going to be very upset customers and employees alike.  This has led me to believe that either the government is struggling with money issues, or that they're just plain greedy.  Both of those reasons might be true to a certain extent.  Also, weren't taxes made to help the government provide for the needs of society?  In today's world, and even in ancient times, there are many corruptions within the political aspect of the country.  It is within our power to rebel and claim our opinions within these matters.

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