
Thursday, October 20, 2011

RE: The Big Snapple

"Ever had Snapple before? Well, you should go try some if you haven’t already." -Raymond Chiu

I agree, to a certain extent.  I think Snapple is a great drink and also beneficial for the body.  As Raymond Chiu stated in his post, "Their drinks were all 100% made out of pure fruits and tea leaves until in 2009, when they started adding sugars to it.".  The part that I really don't get, is when they started to add sugar.  If their product was good before adding sugar, why add sugar?  It increases the chance of being obese and having diabetes, so if they didn't have sugar before, there would be no need to add it, but there is one.  Money.  Putting sugar into their products increases the audience of the drinks, so they can sell more and earn more profits.  However, the sugar in Snapple isn't really that much, compared to other sugary drinks.

Another generous deed Snapple did was "...begun their sponsorship with New York City school systems.", quoted from Raymond.  This is a great example of both sides winning.  The Snapple company builds up profit, and the school sells healthier drinks, even more so when Snapple gives back $8 million dollars per year.  Snapple also proves that it cares about education, by adding facts and other random bits of information on the bottom of the caps.  By adding those features, Snapple has helped the population get just a little smarter.

 Although Snapple has changed a lot, it changed for the better.  Helping America's education system and population is a really big step for them.  It gains the trust of consumers, so they will be able to purchase Snapple in the future.  Snapple is truly "Made from the Best Stuff on Earth".

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