
Friday, October 7, 2011


It does what it says.

Rage, a recent ID Software and Bethesda game, sucks.  Now, I don't mean the gameplay sucks, nor the graphics suck, or even the story sucks.  I mean the technical aspect of the game sucks.  Enough with the sucking, Rage is released with a SHIT-ton of graphical glitches, bugs, and poor optimization.  In fact, it's not even playable in the state it is right now.  Although it is using a new game engine, the id Tech 5, that's no excuse to release this game in an unplayable manner.  There have been many reports of problems with the game, but I'm only going to cover a portion of them.

Such detailed settings!
The first is the video settings menu.  Look at it.  What do you see?  Like, 4 options?  Seriously, I know id is trying to implement a system where the game automatically sets the setting for you, for optimum frame rates, but give the users a choice.  If we can't even fix our problems in the setting menu, how can we fix it outside of it?

Is this how the game is supposed to look like?  For people telling me to install new video drivers, yes I did.  I also installed the hotfix released from AMD, my video card manufacturer, and it still did not help at all, let alone fix my problem.  This jumbled up world is all I got from it.

Whoa, I can see!
Another prominent problem in the game, that has been pestering everyone that has been playing, is the new "megatexture" implementation.  Supposedly, Rage has very big texture sizes.  If you were to keep them loaded in the game, it would require tremendous graphical and computing power.  That's why, whenever you are not looking at the world, the game de-texturizes any unseen textures.  The problem with that, is it results in the screenshot above.  The computer cannot instantaneously load and de-texturize fast enough, producing a blurry world.  Why would they implement this? No idea, though this is the first game to utilize the id Teach 5 engine.

I, for one, am not saying this game is bad, in terms of gameplay.  I'm "raging" on the fact that the company should've produced a game that can actually play smoothly and with minor errors.  Why should consumers pay for the game, then be left with an unplayable game?  Hopefully there will be a patch to resolve all these errors, but until then, do not get this game.

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