
Thursday, September 29, 2011

ESSAY: Don't be a square, care!

There is an abundance of evidence on what defines a human.  I will be focusing on one aspect, and that is the ability to care.  Caring is a very vague word.  It could mean that you are taking care of someone or that you actually are paying attention to someone.  Doing things that help another person or just being a nice person in gerneral, are other examples of caring.  Although everyone has the ability to care, it's the magnitude of caring that counts.  Without care, everyone would be isolated and distraught.  No one would help each other and, ultimately, make their own lives worst.  There is a quote that specifically expresses that situation:
"First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me." -Martin Niemöller
This quote is to be interpreted literally, not  philosophically.  It is saying that the person never spoke out to anyone, just because he didn't care, so when it was his turn, no one spoke for him because, why should they care?  Humans should be more compassionate and empathetic for other beings, not because they have to, but because they want to. Caring is like leading a horse to water, if it doesn't want to go, it will not go.  However, if you give it motivation, like a carrot, then the horse considers moving.  If you force someone to care, they won't be able to do it because it is against their determination, but if you give an incentive for the someone, then they might start to care.  For example, you needed an object that is located far beyond your reach.  A person passes by that can reach, but you have a decision to make.  If you say forcefully, "Hey, you.  Get me that object.", he couldn't care less and walk away.  In a different scenario, you ask politely, "Mr. So and so, can you please retrieve the object to me? I would be very grateful".  Your politeness triggers the care in him and therefore, he gets the object for you.

Caring can also be an instinctive feeling.  Sometimes, you care for something, but just for the sake of the situation.  I feel that the reason of having an instinct dedicated to care, adds to the fact that we are human.  An example of this reasoning plays out like this: You are walking on the way to your house.  Suddenly, as you turn a corner, you spot a person lying on the ground.  Our natural instincts tell us to go forward and assist that person, which proves that caring is linked to being human.  Of course, other animals have those feelings as well, since mothers care for their child, but are their feelings comparable to us?  You don't see a pigeon helping another pigeon when it is in trouble.  Us humans have our own way of caring, whether it is secretly or publicly.  We protect and help others, without having a reason to.

Of course, there is an opposite to everything, as shown in a ying and yang.  What is the opposite of caring?  Ignoring.  Though ignoring might sound easier than caring, I feel that it is not so.  To ignore, you have to concentrate on the fact that you will not response to a certain situation.  This requires various amount of brain power, but generally, it is slightly harder to do.  Caring on the other hand, is a natural process.  You don't need to have a reason to care, nor do you need to put your mind on it, it just happens.  People don't need a reason to rescue someone in danger.  They don't need a reason to help countries devastated by a natural disaster.  Humans assist each other regardless. 

"By not caring too much about what people think, I'm able to think for myself and propagate ideas which are very often unpopular. And I succeed." -Albert Ellis

There are times when ignoring benefits you more that caring.  Caring is like a double-edged sword, it can make you soar, or chain you down.  You have to learn to use it depending on the situation.  For example, a random person compliments you on your new look.  You can show that you care about his/her opinion and reply.  Another example, a person on the internet tells you that you look ugly, and so does your mom.  This is the time NOT to care.  Just simply trudge through the hurtful comments and hope that they stop pestering you.  Never, and I urge, ever respond to the person with another spiteful comment.  That will simply anger and bring more trouble upon you.  Just simply ignore them.

"I bought a seven-dollar pen because I always lose pens and I got sick of not caring." -Mitch Hedberg

Sometimes, people force themselves to care, because it is more beneficial for them to care, rather than to not.  Though that might not seem as really "caring", if you look deep inside, it really is.  The person above bought a more expensive pen, so he would not have to buy new ones.  However, this shows that he cares about the situation of losing pens and decides to take action on it.  This shows that caring isn't always so obvious.  In fact, care is mostly shown in many hidden situations, where you take them for granted.  No matter how oblivious, you have to take the care with great appreciation and importance.  Otherwise, by the time you start to respond, the other person just might not care anymore.

"From caring comes courage." - Lao Tzu

More often then not, care leads to many new emotions.  It's one of the main reasons why caring is so important in playing a role of human traits.  Sadness can come from caring.  By caring about someone, you inadvertently attach yourself to the person.  If the person is suffering, and you care about that person, it causes you to feel sadness.  This is not a weakness, it is merely a sign that you care enough to express other emotions.

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -Leo Buscaglia

Caring is a simple thing to do. You might not think it does anything, but realistically, it offers the person a sense of comfort. It shows that you understand the person and allows them to know you are someone they can depend on. It also gives a sense of righteousness, like picking up trash next to the garbage can or motivating your team. I don't see a reason why anyone should not care, and probably will never see one. So, grab your best personality, put on your game face, and dress to impress, because there is a whole world out there, waiting for someone to care.

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