
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

BC: One man, One room.

It was dark, and by dark, I mean REAL dark.  I literally couldn't see my hands in the pitch-black darkness, even though I placed them right in front of my eyes.  The temperature of the room was surprisingly chilly, as the cold sent shivers down my spine.  The air was stale, as if it was trapped there for a very long period of time.  The smell of the room was overwhelming and putrid.  I felt suffocated in there.  The first thing that came to my mind was to find light.  I squinted my eyes to try to locate any source of light, but there wasn't any, so I felt my pockets.  I felt a hard, rectangular object inside my right pants pocket, and I reached my hands inside.  I felt cold object in my hands as I tried to figure out what it was.  I was hoping for it to be a lighter, but it turns out it was my flash drive, since the cap fell off when I tried to "light" it.

Bending over, I searched for the approximate location of where I dropped the cap.  As my hands scoured the cold smooth stone, I felt a tiny object and picked it up.  Recognizing it was my cap, I put in on my flash drive, then I stood up.  As I searched all over my body, I couldn't find a source of light to use, so I gave up.  I took a step forward, to examine the immediate area around me, but I stepped on something.  The round smooth object made an eerie cracking noise, and I froze in my steps.  My heart skipped a little because of the sudden noise, and I waited for a few moments to see if anything had happened.  Silence.

I continued walking in a straight line, with my hands reaching out in front of me.  I felt the cool touch of the wall and I stopped.  From that point, I moved my hands all over the wall, looking to find anything that could be a potential source of light.  My hands grazed the wall, and found a recess in the wall.  I also felt some handles and more recesses as I continued to move my hand over the wall.  Curious by the handles, I pulled on it, and it slid open, like a file cabinet.  I reached in to feel what was inside, but I only felt cloth.  I guess it was a dresser.  I pushed the handle back into its original position.

I turned around and started to walk in the opposite direction, with my hands in front.  I was just walking, when I felt a rectangular object hit me on the stomach.  I immediately stopped and felt the rectangular object.  It felt like a long thin table, with a cylindrical base.  I walked around it and continued with my hands in front of me.  I hit a wall again, only this time there wasn't anything on it, just a plain wall.  I decided to check out the right wall, so I followed the wall I was on, with my hands.  This wall was also plain, albeit a rectangular protrusion on the wall.  I felt the object and immediately knew it was a light switch, since a knob was sticking out.  I was a little apprehensive on turning on the lights, since I didn't know where I was, but in the end, I'll have to turn it on anyways.

Guess where I was?

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