
Thursday, September 15, 2011

RE: Mmmm, Human Flesh...

"Even though I say that, I do not think I would be able to survive a zombie invasion unless the zombies are unbelievably stupid and incompetent."- Andrew Fan
 Well then, you have no need to worry!  Zombies are pretty dumb and they should stay that way, unless a new form of pathogen allows the reasoning part of the brain to function.  A normal zombie is infected with a pathogen that takes over the host's brain and basically reduces it to mush.  The only function of their brain is to produce movement and have a hunger for flesh.  That's why it is critical for the victim of a zombie attack to aim at the head.  Also, the zombie pathogen may be able to be transmitted to animals, but that is probably unlikely, since our body composition is different.  If somehow a zombie attains the ability to think for themselves, they're going to think that you would be dangerous (if you had a weapon) and back off.  The downside of that, is the zombie can plan an ambush, in which case, you're probably f%$ked, as well as most of humanity.

The most ideal place for shelter in a zombie outbreak, is underground.  The zombies would probably not be able to find you, and if they do, make sure your entrance is a narrow hallway, so the zombies have to enter one by one.  This strategy enables you to kill the zombies easily, if the need ever arises.  The only problem with an underground shelter, is the lack of sunlight, which can cause vitamin deficiency and require you to venture out for electricity.  Another important part of surviving a zombie outbreak, are weapons.

Your weapons definitely have to be efficient.  Having a durable, damaging weapon is a must, especially if you plan on surviving through the hordes of zombies.  My first recommendation is the crowbar:
Portable, yet unbreakable.  Sharp, yet blunt.  I really think it should be your primary melee, as it has a variety of uses.  You could use it like a bat and break the zombie's skull, or use the sharp end to stab through the zombie's eyeball.  It has many other uses as well, like prying a door open, or breaking glass.  My second reccomendation is a tactical knife:
 The tactical knife is not used as a weapon, but rather as a multi-purpose tool.  Having a knife is pretty much necessary in any form of survival, it just has too many uses.  Do not use it as a weapon (unless absolutely necessary), as it has too short of a range and might get stuck in the zombie's body.  A word of caution, properly disinfect and wash your knife, or anything that has came in contact with a zombie.

Well, that's my opinions on zombies and how to survive them, hope you guys enjoyed reading this.  Feel free to post some tips on how to survive a zombie outbreak!


  1. Wow. Where are you getting your information about the nature of zombies?

    There is some interesting history behind the Haitian and West African religious practices which gave us the word "zombie" in the first place, in case you are interested:


  2. Just some knowledge I acquired from games!
