
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

FREE: Never-ending Dreams

A Dream Deferred
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

"A dream deferred stays there, like a dog patiently waiting for its master.  Although you might forget about it, it will never throw a fit.  It will not simply fade away, like a dandelion in a windy day.  Nor would it be suddenly gone, like the moon after dawn.  Even if its only small, like a tiny ball; it would still be there, like a  hungry bear.  Have you ever wondered how, like a polka-dotted cow?  I do too, like a zebra in a zoo.  Truth is, no one knows, like how water gets pushed through a hose.  But nevertheless it remains, like the water when it rains.  Maybe it's natural, like all warm blooded animals?  Or it just eerily exists, like the morning mist.  Either way, it's just gonna stay.  So you might as well say, "I'll see you again someday"."

I believe that dreams that are there, will never be gone, even if you try to remove them.  Somewhere, somehow, it will always be on the back of your mind.  Maybe there's an area of your brain where all your dreams are stored, who knows?  The fact that the dreams never dissolves tells you something.  It tells you that you can still follow and achieve your dreams even though you might be beyond that part.  It doesn't matterif your dream is impossible, like breathing underwater with no respiration equipment.  The future just might have pills you can take, so you can even breathe underwater.  Maybe they're even discovered by you, just because you're so dedicated to following your dreams.  Dreams are powerful objects, and can change everything, but only if you follow them.

Friday, October 21, 2011

FREE: First!

"For many years, it was thought that the Clovis people were the first humans to populate North America, about 13,000 years ago."

But all that has changed, due to the discovery of a mastodon rib with a bone point skewed in it.  The fossils were discovered in the late 1970s at the dig site, Manis, near Sequim, Washington.  Dr. Carl Gustafson, an archaeologist at Washington State University, theorized that the fossil was about 14,000 years old.  Although many scientists did not believe him then, but technology has advanced and he, along with other scientists, now uses mass spectrometry to pinpoint the date of of the bone.  They also used a CT to look inside then mastodon's bone, confirming that the bone lodged inside the mastodon was a hunting weapon.  The weapon was more than 10 inches long and sharpened.

Science is really advancing these days.  We came from sticks and stones, then to metals.  From the metals, we then mix them to form stronger metals, with enhanced qualities.  We can even make new metals and synthesize them with non-metals, giving the product a truly unique quality.  Now, we are beginning to dive in the realm of subatomic particles, who knows what we may do next.  The point that I'm trying to address is that everything will improve, even if it's for the worst. just look at the last century, in that time, scientific knowledge has tripled, maybe even quadrupled. One minute we're launching shuttles into space, and the next minute, we have men living in space.  History is being written right now, and once we've passed away, our future generations would look back and see us, making these discoveries.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

RE: The Big Snapple

"Ever had Snapple before? Well, you should go try some if you haven’t already." -Raymond Chiu

I agree, to a certain extent.  I think Snapple is a great drink and also beneficial for the body.  As Raymond Chiu stated in his post, "Their drinks were all 100% made out of pure fruits and tea leaves until in 2009, when they started adding sugars to it.".  The part that I really don't get, is when they started to add sugar.  If their product was good before adding sugar, why add sugar?  It increases the chance of being obese and having diabetes, so if they didn't have sugar before, there would be no need to add it, but there is one.  Money.  Putting sugar into their products increases the audience of the drinks, so they can sell more and earn more profits.  However, the sugar in Snapple isn't really that much, compared to other sugary drinks.

Another generous deed Snapple did was "...begun their sponsorship with New York City school systems.", quoted from Raymond.  This is a great example of both sides winning.  The Snapple company builds up profit, and the school sells healthier drinks, even more so when Snapple gives back $8 million dollars per year.  Snapple also proves that it cares about education, by adding facts and other random bits of information on the bottom of the caps.  By adding those features, Snapple has helped the population get just a little smarter.

 Although Snapple has changed a lot, it changed for the better.  Helping America's education system and population is a really big step for them.  It gains the trust of consumers, so they will be able to purchase Snapple in the future.  Snapple is truly "Made from the Best Stuff on Earth".

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

CE: Green Energy

"One in every four solar energy jobs in America is held by a Californian, and growth in the clean-tech industry is burgeoning nationwide, a new study said."

In a recent study, the National Solar Jobs Census 2011, California is ranked numbered 1 by the number of solar industry jobs.  This report shows that the number of eco-friendly jobs are rising, and alternative energy is being more readily available to the public.  The employment in the industry also grew 6.8 percent, while the US job growth was 1 percent.  However, a solar panel manufacturer in Fremont, Solyndra, has shut down, right after they received a $535 million federal loan, due to bankruptcy.  If we look past that scandal, and take a look at the green technology being developed right now, it truly is remarkable.  That does not only include solar, but hydro, wind, and geothermal energies.

Solar energy is a really convenient energy, and can be used whenever there is a source of light, whether that be sunlight or a lamp.  The material used to make the main part of the solar panel, is silicon.  The silicon has a weak electron bond, therefore it does not have all of the electrons required to be stable.  The electron is combined with a different element, an element that combines with the silicon and produces one excess electron, which leaves a free electron carrying an electrical current.  The electricity that comes out is DC, so you would need a transformer to convert the energy to voltage and AC.

Hydro energy is simple, even dating back to hundreds of years ago.  Think of a watermill.  The water flows into the pedals, which turns the gears.  The gears then move the equipment, doing its job.  It's the same thing for modern technology.  The water flows through a mechanism, which turns a motor.  The motor then generates electricity, due to the movement created by the water.

Wind energy is similar to water, but instead, uses wind.  The wind turbine's blades are created with an angle that provides maximum turning power from the wind.  The turbine then generates electricity because the blades are turning the mechanism, which turns the motor built inside the turbine.  The motor is connected to a transformer, which connects to a power line.

Geothermal energy works in an efficient way.  First they have to find a place suitable to heat up the water underground.  When the water reaches at least 180C, the water, under high pressure, is released into a low pressure environment, causing a flash of steam occur, which drives a turbine.

With the environmental problems in our world today, we have been motivated to develop more efficient ways to harness the energy of the earth, without harming the environment.  I believe that the future holds many possibilities for new, clean energy, and maybe someday, we wouldn't have to worry about a reliable source of energy.


Friday, October 14, 2011

RE: Japanese Technology

"The United States has been looking forward and looking to using Japanese technology." -Andrew Fan

This quote reminds me of how Japan has the coolest technology known to human kind.  I don't even know where half of  their ideas come from.  Hating the pitching machine for hitting you too many times with baseballs?  Well, the Japanese has invented a machine in where the ball floats for you to hit it.  This technology is efficient because you can hit at a wide angle, which allows you to practice your technique.  It also moves the ball a little bit, so you have to actually concentrate to hit the ball.  The only downside of this technology is that you're not training your reflexes, as with a normal pitching machine.  However, the technology is mostly beneficial and makes a great practice for technique.

Another technology, which is not as practical, is a flying robot ball.  While you may think it's like one of those RC helicopters that you can get for $30, this thing actually costs about $1,000.   The reason for that, is that is can reach up to 40 miles per hour.  That's crazy!  Also, the controls and movement are very smooth (as seen in the video below).  The military created this technology, so that it can be used for urban reconnaissance and infiltration.  The machine has a single propeller and eight wings, and its spherical body reduces the effects of wind.  A surprising fact about the machine is that the parts are mostly from an electronics district in Akihabara, one of Japan's most famous electronics city.
Japan is one of today's most technologically advanced countries in the world.  Although their ideas seem a bit weird (I mean that in the nicest way possible), they actually improve the lives of many.  If I could choose an item from anywhere in the world, it'd probably be from Japan, just because of the huge variety and effectiveness of the technology there.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

FREE: Global Warming?

"Severe seasonal melting has reduced ice floes, floating chunk of ice, in the Arctic Ocean to the thinnest on record, according to researchers."

First of all what are floes? Floes are floating ice, formed in a large sheet on the surface of a body of water. According to the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Germany, the old, thick sea ice has decreased immensely. They are now replaced with floes formed only a year ago, whose average thickness is now 90 centimeters. Now, the frozen sea ice melting can have a very damaging effect on the ecosystem. Algae, trapped in the ice, are released back into the sea, causing contamination. Also, the ice is freshwater, so as it melts, to disturbs the balance between salt and fresh water. The scientists believe that global is the main, in terms of the ice melting. The natural cycle that's supposed occur runs like this: The sun sends its rays to the Earth. From there, the white ice deflects most of the rays off its surface, reducing the temperature that it absorbs. However, as the water around it is dark, it is able to absorb more heat, therefore slowly melting the ice. With global warming in the factor, the sea absorbs more heat, which melts the ice at a faster rate, which reduces the surface area that can deflect back the suns ray, and the cycle keeps going on.

I am refuting the statement that the ice will all melt away, and the human race is doomed, unless we are doing something about it. First of all, nature and the earth have always achieved harmony. Who are we to disrupt the cycle of this Earth? Repeated cooling and melting have always been in effect. The Ice Age is when the Earth is cooling down, and the period we are in, is just warming up. Pretty soon, the weather is going to get cold and the ice will return, with even more force. As stated above, the Earth and nature will always be in harmony. An example of this is when the ice melts. After it melts, it is released to the atmosphere right? If it melts more, then there would be more water vapor in the atmosphere, which means more clouds. Then, the clouds also act as a deflector, reducing the amount of sun rays hitting the ice. The ice will recover and the cycle keeps repeating. With all these points, I'm not trying to say we shouldn't so anything about it. In fact, supporting the environment will make it a better place for all of us. I just want people informed, so they can make better decisions for themselves.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CE: There is no such thing as a good tax.

"California and other states could move ahead with making online retailers such as Amazon collect and remit sales taxes even if the companies don't have physical presences in those states, under a new bipartisan bill co-authored by a Bay Area House member."

 Okay...  Now the government is REALLY in for it.   Why change a system, if it works?  Seriously, the government has to stop effing around with the taxes and start doing something about the economic situation in the US of A.  There have been recent activities going on, including the Wall Street Protest, which are trying to get the government to straighten out their economy.  I don't blame them, when a service's quality degrades because of the government; they should be the only ones to be revolting against.  If we don't so something about it right now, pretty soon they'll be taxing the very air we're breathing in.  Amazon is a unique and great place for companies and customers.  They provide an easy, accessible website for people that just don't have the time or resources to go out and find them in stores.  Some of the items listed might not even be in the country that they live in.  Amazon isn't damaging the profits of companies; the government just wants a slice of the pie.

The government shouldn't be even able to tax Amazon, since their method of transaction isn't physical, but they're going to try anyways.  I imagine if they're going to pass the bill, there are going to be very upset customers and employees alike.  This has led me to believe that either the government is struggling with money issues, or that they're just plain greedy.  Both of those reasons might be true to a certain extent.  Also, weren't taxes made to help the government provide for the needs of society?  In today's world, and even in ancient times, there are many corruptions within the political aspect of the country.  It is within our power to rebel and claim our opinions within these matters.