
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

FREE: $187,000 + $16,000 = ?

So apparently, Justin Bieber has a car now?  But not just any car, its a Ferrari F430.  On August 30th, at approximately 12:00 pm PST, a Honda Civic (Base Price: $15,805) had a minor accident with Bieber's F430 (Base Price: $186,925), when it was trying to get around Bieber's car in an underground lot.  As far as the authorities could tell, neither car or passenger suffered any damages or injuries, except maybe for the driver of the Civic , whom might've had a heart attack when he saw Justin Bieber coming out from the car.

He sort of almost deserves it though, being humiliated on the internet, egged onstage in Australia, getting his YouTube video hacked and removed, and even his Vanity Fair magazine ranks the lowest in Conde Nast monthly sells.  Although his reputation is low, his record sales are another beast of its own.  Selling over a million copies of his album and the first artist to have two titles in the chart's top five since 2004, he really is successful in terms of his music career.

Anyways, the authorities that were there at the incident did not even bother to file a report, and just like that, the case was closed.  What I don't get is why the media even bothered to cover this story.  Shouldn't they be reporting on something more remotely interesting, like Hurricane Irene?  The attention that Justin Bieber gets just boggles me.  My guess is that the journalists think that having a Justin Bieber article is bound to increase readers, although I doubt the readers want good news on him.

Well, that about covers it for today's current event.  I hope you readers enjoyed reading about my short rant and maybe start some of your own.

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